Danielle Zeigler

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Chasing Dreams Interview with Lindsay Cotter: Nutritionist, Blogger + Owner of Healthy Bites

This interview is part of the Chasing Dreams interview series. I’ve interviewed a variety of entrepreneurs and small business owners who have chosen a different path in life in order to go after his or her dream career. Have an entrepreneur in mind you’d like to learn more about? Let me know! Today’s interview is with my friend Lindsay from the popular food blog, Cotter Crunch. Lindsay has a lot of great things going on. She's a nutrition specialist, fitness professional, blogger, gluten free recipe developer, owner of Healthy Bites + helps her Triathlete husband train! She's also super nice and great at inspiring balance in life and work.

Owning your own business can be tough on the body and mind, between long days, instability and really putting yourself out there to reach your goals. How do you stay healthy? Do you have any rituals that help you stay centered?

I take breaks. And not just daily breaks, but monthly. I learned the hard way that rest is needed when you are working towards big goals. In order to refocus, I take a 2 week break, sometimes more.

Speaking of putting yourself out there, overcoming rejection is a big part of chasing dreams. How do you bounce back?

Oh, that's hard. But I just think about it as a door closed and another one is going to open, at the right time.

What do you do when you're having an off day- maybe feeling down, struggling with self-doubt, or just unmotivated?

I usually go for a hike with my dog and husband. Just get away in nature with no distractions.

What is one misconception people have about you and/or your profession?

That it's easy and we lived a comfortable life. No, not at all. It is HARD and life is a struggle at times, but I chose this life and wouldn't have it any other way! Very thankful.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to run their own business?

That success doesn't happen overnight, and God might have other plans for you. But know it's ALL the right plans, just might look different than you imagined.

What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned along the way?

To put your energy where your heart is. I tend to spread myself way thin, trying to do everything which leads to being unfocused and energy drained. I learned (again) the hard way. FOCUS On what ONE thing that brings you JOY.

When do you feel the most inspired, alive and the most like YOU?

When i am rested. haha. Really!

What people, books, music, etc. inspire you?

I read a devotional from proverbs31 ministries every day.The women on there are so encouraging!

Describe your favorite moment or accomplishment in your career so far.

When Healthy Bites was featured in Triathlete magazine!

What’s the most exciting thing going on in your life right now?

Well, it's good and bad. My husband will most likely have to retire after this last Ironman in March, but that just means more time to focus on our future. For me, it means I can back off other distractions and just be a wife. I also can't wait to create more Healthy Bite ebooks and hopefully a few other cookbooks!



linsday cotterLindsay Cotter is a 30 something year old Nutrition Specialist and Fitness Professional married to a professional Triathlete from New Zealand (aka the Kiwi). As a nutrition specialist, she focuses on making nourishing GLUTEN FREE recipes (and Healthy Bites) for athletes and all! That's why she's called the SHERPA wife; to nurture, support, and FUEL other's for their passion! Stay balanced, be real, and Dream BIG!

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