Danielle Zeigler

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7 Tips for Working From Home

I've been working from home for about a year now. Here are some tips I've gathered and taken advantage of in that time: + Don't eat while working and DO take a lunch break. Get outside for a walk if possible, and eat in a calm environment. Entrepreneurship can be hectic and stressful,  so take time to regroup.

+ Feeling stuck with an idea?  Take a shower. Or meditate.  Just remove all other distractions.

+ Cook at home. Save money and feel better. It can be tempting to go out to dinner every night since you've been cooped up in the house all day. If you want to get out of the house, go to a coffee shop, bookstore, hiking, etc. Spend that time doing something fun.

+ Have a dedicated space for work and make sure it's a pleasant environment. Light a candle,  listen to soothing music, decorate with uplifting colors. Keep a vision board in your office.

+ Think about investing in a standing or adjustable desk, or even a treadmill desk so you get more movement during the day. Use a pedometer or fitness tracking band to stay on track. It can be all too easy to get wrapped up in projects

+ Have structure to your day, but take advantage of the flexibility every so often. Schedule tasks, make a list of what you need to do and categorize it. "Batching tasks" will make your day flow more smoothly and productively.

+ Have a stop time when you walk away from your work for the evening and spend time unwinding with family,  exercise,  etc.


What have you learned about working from home? Share your tips below!