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Can You Really Have it All? (On Business + Motherhood)

Today’s post is from Nicola Salmon, a UK based Acupuncturist and Naturopath plus mother to a 15 month old. Today's topic is an important one for female entrepreneurs. I'm not a mother myself, but know a lot of you can relate to the struggle of trying to "have it all." Nicola has some great advice, so take a look!


You can have it all!

Up-leveling my business is something I’ve always dreamed of doing. I started my acupuncture business very small, working a couple of evenings a week, renting a small room at a yoga studio. My mind, however, had different ideas. I was always thinking about my next big idea. But they stayed big ideas until I had my son and realized I didn't want to choose between staying at home or working full-time at a job that didn't fill me with passion.

So what happens when you want to dream big in your business but also want to be a stay at home mum? I threw caution to the wind, quit my bridge job and went full steam ahead into the land of the unknown…. the land of the entrepreneur.

But can you really have it all? You can, as long as you know what it is that you what!

Find YOUR balance

I compromised on being a mum full time and running a successful business. As much as I wanted to cram all my work effectively into nap-time, it didn't ever quite work out like that. Now I have childcare for my little one two days a week. It makes me more efficient for those two days and I enjoy my time with my little more all the more on the other days.

What does your perfect balance look like?

Think outside the box

As an acupuncturist, I really love helping people but recently, I had the revelation, that this didn't just have to be in person. So much of my job is giving people advice about how to improve their lifestyle. So much of this advice could benefit millions of other people, so why not share it with the world? By thinking outside of my comfort zone, I’m now creating an online program using all my experience in health and lifestyle advice treating my patients, to help more women get their bodies (and minds!) ready for making a baby.

What could you do with your expertise to impact more people?

Go with the flow

In the midst of my up-leveling, life threw me a unexpected curve ball. I found out I was pregnant again. With a 15-month little man already in tow, it was a very much wanted but unexpected surprise. With a ticking clock now firmly embedded in my uterus, I had to reprioritize my goals and decide what was most important in my business. Creating my program now became my priority as it would provide a passive income whilst looking after a newborn. It also meant I couldn’t procrastinate any longer. Being done is better than perfect!

Are you resisting any changes right now?

Get a coach

Getting a coach was the best decision I ever made to up-level my business. Not only did it shift my mindset into believing that I was worth investing in, but it gave me accountability so I actually got the work done. My coach inspires me to fulfill my potential in my business and helps me iron out the niggles when they come up.

How would hiring a coach shift your mindset?


Do you enjoy every aspect of your business? Chances are the answer is no. By outsourcing you are channeling your energy into the bits you love and building your business bigger whilst giving all the rubbishy bit to someone else. Sound scary? Start small, even hiring a virtual assistant for an hour a week will make a big difference to your productivity and happiness levels. I just hired a cleaner and boy does it feel good to have a clean house without having to force myself to do it.

What could you outsource today?


Nicola Salmon About Nicola

Nicola Salmon is an Acupuncturist and Naturopath in London, UK. Her mission is to empower women all over the world on their journey into motherhood. She blogs about making, growing and nurturing babies and encourages women to follow their instinct to make the best choices for the health of their families and themselves.

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