Danielle Zeigler

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The Necessity of Self-Care for Solopreneurs

When you start your own business, it's almost guaranteed that your self-care (and much else) will suffer. Running a business takes all the heart and soul you can give. 

While self-care is important for everyone, solopreneurs often need a reminder. We have to work both IN our business and ON our business. We spend long days on client projects then weekend mornings on admin + advertising our own business. Self-care gets pushed to the back-burner.

But have you considered what those moments of self-care are really buying you? That massage, 15 minute meditation, pedicure, yoga class, etc.?

Negative energy from stress uses up space in your brain (among other negative side-effects). But the increased circulation, endorphins, relaxation, etc. from your self-care act will free up creative energy. Think of everything you could accomplish if you had more space to breathe.

I say this all the time:

When you feel your best, you'll do your best.

I'm an advocate for:

One of the biggest struggles I've found so far as a solopreneur (meaning I'm mostly a one-woman shop) is the difficulty of taking vacations. My goal for this year is to take at least 2 weeks worth of vacation. Complete time off away from work. It can be really hard to do in the beginning (I went two years without a vacation) but they're restorative and vital.

"Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel." -Eleanor Brownn

In the Comments:

What's one self-care act you'll do today?